Respect The “R-Word”


Many people throw around the R-Word as if nobody is affected by it but people are. It’s not only offensive to be called a “retard” but also it’s more offensive to people who have mental disabilities. It wasn’t a choice they were given life just threw this at them and they have learned to live with it. Westhampton Beach High School students should notice what effect it has on people left and right. We need to come as a community and always think before we say things that could hurt.

Nobody see’s the effect the word “retard” has for many people simply because, most don’t accept the feelings of others who may be different from someone else. Some don’t know how it feels to be the one made fun of. There’s no greater joy in life than babysitting 7-year-old Kelly Moran with Down’s Syndrome. Since 6th grade working with kids who have Autism or Down’s Syndrome I’ve met some amazing kids who are filled with love and security.

Hearing Eddi Barbanell from the hit movie “The Ringer” speak about this issue it is fascinating. He states “I was diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome but it is just a meaningless word that does not stop me from pursuing my dreams, hopes and talents and abilities (“The Hurtful Effects…”).”  After reading that you notice the faith that surrounds and shows him that he believes and wants everybody else also to believe that he can achieve anything. Eddie Barbanell remembers, “When I was in P.E. in school the kids were hiding behind the bleachers and throwing rocks at me and calling me “retarded” (“The Hurtful Effects…”).” The hardest period in life is going through high school no matter who you are because everybody is just trying to fit in. There was an old saying, “ticks and tones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.” That’s where society is wrong due to the influence words have on people. One person states says, “ Words do hurt – they break people’s spirits, they break people’s dreams, they break people’s hearts (“The Hurtful Effects…”).”

In the Comedy movie “Tropic Thunder” the R-Word is tossed around a lot and impacted people’s feelings. “I know why “Tropic Thunder’s” opening was met by protests on behalf of the intellectually disabled (Shriver).” The movie upset lots of families that are facing the life as a parent, sibling, or self with a disability. “Too many in the intellectually disabled movement cannot speak out for themselves. It is up to their families and those of us who advocate on their behalf to explain that calling someone by the “R-word” is no longer acceptable and is anything but funny (Shriver).” For anybody it’s hard to take a standing ovation for a topic like this because the most people that use the word never experienced it in their life.

As you can see the “R-Word” is no joke. Everybody is equal and as the community of Westhampton Beach High School we should all understand this article.



“The Hurtful Effects of the R-word”

The ‘R-Word’ is no joke