Can We Avoid This Seasonal Flu/ Cold Virus?


Washing hands for at least 30 seconds is the key to staying healthy.

Flu? Nasty cold? Well which one is it? With the unusual NY weather, there are now more chances of getting the flu, cold, and viruses due to the dropping temperatures and being exposed to other unimmunized people. What are some ways to prevent from getting the major illnesses? It is recommended to get the flu shot, so that the symptoms would be less severe than originally.

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the composition of the influenza vaccine for 2017-2018 will change slightly compared to last year’s formulation. There are three types of influenza– Type A, B, and C.  Type A and B cause the annual influenza epidemics that have up to 20% of the population with symptoms like  sniffling, aching, coughing, and running high fevers. Whereas, C causes the flu but with no severe symptoms. Each year the flu varies, giving the chance of people creating a new flu vaccine to see how it’s going to be effective within the year.

  The major illnesses like the flu usually start around December to April. Ms. Hoefer of the WHB attendance office said, “Last year we had around 20 cases of the flu between the winter and spring break.” Students who have it are usually absent for three to five days. The school nurse recommends students not to attend school when still trying to recover.  

  At the sound of a sniffle, some people take the flu shot for prevention of getting the worst of the illness. But, that doesn’t mean they won’t get it at all. There’s still a chance of getting the flu, only less intensely than it originally is.

Some people may mix up the difference between the flu and a common virus (a cold). A cold and the flu are respiratory illnesses but a cold tends to have mild symptoms compared to the flu. WHBHS school nurse Ms. Andarakis said,“Two people can have the flu, but it is not always virulent since it depends on its type.”

If you think you have the flu, having it for two days it is unlikely you had it. Overall, if  you’re not well nourished, share anything that involves the mouth, and do not wash your hands daily in preventing the flu! you’re likely to be exposed to the illnesses. Hand sanitizer is not effective!

  Less talkin’, more washin’.