Stressed Over Quarterlies


Alex Patricolo, a junior, is stressed out over studying for quarterlies.

It’s that time again for the stress of quarterlies! Remembering all the things you’ve learned from the beginning of the school year to the end of quarter one can be difficult.

I have trouble remembering what I ate for breakfast yesterday!

The stress that comes with the quarterlies is hard to control. The reviews in class are as quick as the blink of the eye. “The teachers only go over what we’ve learned over the course of this year for about a week, maybe less,” said Emily Bak.

Most students think there is no point in quarterlies and it just adds more stress. According to chemistry teacher Ms. Bufalo, “I give quarterlies because it forces you to go back and look over the material we haven’t talked about in a while that may come up in a final or Regents.”

Can’t figure out what to study? Look over old tests and quizzes or read over old notes. Looking over the right answers to the old tests and quizzes help because similar questions like those may be asked during the quarterly. Most teachers give review questions or packets to look over before the quarterly.

Don’t take the quarterly like it’s no big deal. Some teachers weigh the quarterly as two tests, while some teachers don’t. Ms. Bufalo says, “I weigh it like a regular test, but that shouldn’t mean you shouldn’t study for it.”

Good luck on your quarterlies! Make sure to study and get a good night’s sleep before the test day!