Scrap the Stress of Signing Yearbooks!


The 2019 edition of the Seaspray.

Meghan Reilly, Student Editor

Picture this: one of your best friends has just finished signing your yearbook. They hand it over with an excited smile, only for you to turn to the page they wrote on and lay your eyes on that one cursed acronym: “HAGS”. What can you do to make sure you don’t find yourself in this dreaded situation, and how can you make sure you don’t end up doing such a thing, too?

  1. Is this person a friend of yours? If so, it’s pretty easy to think of things to write in their yearbook. Consider talking about how long you’ve been friends and don’t forget to include some inside jokes and memorable moments. If they’re a senior, wish them luck at wherever they’re going to college and encourage them to follow their dreams.
  2. If this person is a classroom acquaintance or you just haven’t had the time to get to know them, tell them that you enjoyed being in the same class. Be sure to include some positive traits you admire of theirs. And if you want to be friends with them, think about jotting down your phone number or Snapchat username. Last but not least, wish them a great summer (not using the acronym “HAGS”) and if they’re a senior, bid them the best on the path that lies ahead!
  3. Some nice things you can write in a yearbook include compliments on looks and smarts. You can also write such trivial things as liking someone’s handwriting or music taste, as it’ll still put just as big a smile on the person’s face!
  4. If signing a teacher’s yearbook, be sure to thank them if they taught you this year. Mention how you appreciate the lessons they’ve taught you and what they’ve done for you, and that you hope they have a great summer.
  5. Don’t forget to use neat handwriting and sign your name! You want the reader to be able to see what you said and know who said it. By doing this, they’ll remember you when they look back at their yearbook in the future.

Though yearbook signing will be obsolete for another year by tomorrow at 2:16 P.M., be sure to take heed of these yearbook tips and use them throughout high school to ensure that what you write will never be forgotten.

And while may not be a yearbook, I’d still like to sign it below:

Thank you to Mrs. Mett and all my classmates—past and present—for an amazing two years. It’s been a pleasure to learn a plethora of new things in Journalism I and help out to the best of my ability as student editor in Journalism II. This opportunity has opened countless doors for me, and for that reason, I will be perpetually grateful for every second I spent in Room 207. Watching all of my peers grow into even better writers and take a slice out of the journalism world was a true privilege that I will fondly remember. I wish you all the best on your own personal adventures and endeavors!

Signing out from WHB News,

Meghan Reilly