What’s With the Change

Whats With the Change

The awkward days, the days no one wants to remember, the yearbook no one wants to open, the pictures no one wants to be found. Everyone has had it, for most it comes in middle school, but lucky for them they managed to turn it around and end up winning the battle against those middle school photos.

As everyone knows, your pictures on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are among some of the first things looked at when someone sees your profile. Pictures on social media go back far into the early years of your life, such as middle school, and lets be honest, those pictures may not be the prettiest. These pictures may be funny, embarrassing, or shocking and thanks to the people who suffered through “the awkward days,” we have a prime example to how people’s looks (and mental aspects) can transform.

Alex Patricolo says the key to his transformation was finding the right hair gel, which is a dramatic change from the un-kept mop of hair he had back in his freshman year, to the short and “aspiring model” haircut he has now. Eric Caldwell believes his hardest part of changing was loosing the baby fat and figuring out the right hairstyle, AKA, my hairstyle. Eric says that when looking at his old photos all he can think is “Look at me now… I’m getting paper.”

Senior, Marc Cotter looks at his change in three ways, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Marc believes that his most changed feature is his passion and ambition to pursue what he wants and to not care what others think. However he still looks back on his old pictures and recalls the “Countless hours spent on World of Warcraft.” He added “…not the best time for me.” Junior, Laura Halsey says the key to her not-so-major change from middle school was the elimination of gauchos, the elaborate combination of a skirt, leggings and shorts.

In reality, everyone changes from middle school to high school, whether its intellectually, physically, and emotionally.