One Team, Tribe

One Team, Tribe

After a long, sweaty, and adrenaline-packed five weeks, only one team of period 5a gym triumphed overall. Tribe, the undefeated champions of period 5a hopes to claim the ultimate achievement of “getting the W,” in the after school tournament.

As tensions strengthened through the bracket, The Tribe had desire for competition, such as the well – renowned ream, the NARPS (Non-Athletic-Regular-People). Team Captain of The NARPS, John LaMura, was asked about how the defeat of the team felt. He stated, “It was annoying to lose to Tribe because we were actually a good team but a special player who should remain nameless messed up like 10 or 12 points.” He believes they lost because “Tribe was the only decent team in the building.”

After a monstrous victory of a small-time team, Mi Kasa, finalizing at 64-8, with a 40 point serving streak from yours truly. Tribe went on to defeat The NARPS by 20 points.

With strategy and the ability to use the strengths that each player brought to the court. The Hurricane Eye interviewed some players of Tribe to see how their experience was on the undefeated team.

Alex Patricolo, WHB junior and setter on Tribe, claims “Going undefeated was just a bonus, the real victory  was not letting John La Mura make it to the championships. I’m just really proud of how we played to make that happen.”

Senior, Lauren Smith, said that “It’s cool to be in the championship my senior year and to go undefeated.”

Junior, Juan Restrepo, agreed, “It’s deserving. We’re the best team.”

Junior, Aurora Macdonald, says “It’s obvious we were going to the championship. And its obvious that we were going to go undefeated. We’re going to **** **** up in the tournament.” Good thing she is so confident.

After an interview with many players on the team, it’s obvious they’re pumped for the after school tournament. As captain of the Tribe, I know I am.