Before You Leave You Want To Read This (Bucket List)


Face it; you can’t do everything in four years of high school. We all have that something that we want to do before high school is over, from hanging with your favorite teacher, Mr. Hoyt, to asking a person to prom that you’ve loved since freshman year; this is the high school bucket list.

A bucket list is defined as “a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during his or her lifetime.” But, instead of being accomplished during a lifetime we have changed it to before leaving high school.

Many experience students is mostly made up during their freshman year. But they are to scared or to nervous to do it. For some students they will never do it, and other they will wait until senior year.

·      Have a great lacrosse/cross country season

·      Do something that his/her fellow students will remember forever

·      Break a school record

·      Get their jersey retired and have their name on the gym wall

·      Get their hair to be like Mr. Erikson’s

·      Throw a party in the halls

·      Get drafted

·      Spend a full day with Mr. Hoyt

·      Get a scholarship to their dream school

·      Perform stand up comedy

·      Skydive with a wing suit on

·      Make the 2013- 2014 Hurricane Watch season be the best season in the shows history

This article is not just about what people want to do before they leave, it is also about if doing something you’ve been wanting to.  I say go out and do it. No matter what, don’t think about what other people might think about you if you do it. Don’t be scared or nervous; you know if you do it you will be happy because you took a chance and maybe you did not succeed. But you still did it and you should be proud that you did.

Life is too short for you not to do something you have wanted to do and to care about what other people might think of you. If you really want to do that certain thing take a “Leap of faith” give it a shot. Don’t be the person who looks back and says, “Wow I should have done this; I should have done that.” Don’t let your emotions or fears get in the way.

Like Bill Withers sang in “Just to two of us” “Good things might come to those who wait, not for those who wait too late.”