Fear Or Phobia


Adapted from Google images.

Khai Henderson, Staff Writer

Everyone has some type of fear or phobia against something on this planet. Some are against animals, some locations, and sometimes people can be scared of certain objects. Fears are generally considered a reaction to something immediate that threatens your security or safety. Phobias are an intense, or unreasonable fear of a situation, objects activities, or persons where the fear is far out of proportion to the actual danger or harms that is possible.

“I myself truly believe that I will never conquer my fear. Spiders are probably one of the most terrifying things on the planet of this earth, I don’t care what anyone says those things are ugly and terrifying, they have no reason to be alive, just because they eat insects means nothing to me, I’d like for them to go extinct, spiders are the source of all evil.” stated Cameron Falkner, 12th Grade.

Fear is a built in survival skill which we are all born with. It’s a normal human emotional reaction. As babies, we have the instinct to respond when we sense danger. Our fear reaction happens whenever we sense danger or when we are faced with something new or unknown that seems threating or dangerous to us. A lot of people tend to avoid the thing they feel afraid of. Others like to seek out the thrill of going against fears because it’s exciting to them. We all face fear differently and it can have a different effect on us all differently.

“I’ve had the fear of getting surgery for years, the day I have to get surgery you might as well just let me die. I never in my life want to have to go through any type of surgery just thinking about someone going inside my body cutting me open or anything scares me senseless I couldn’t handle it,” Stephen Monaco, 12th grade.

Phobias cause a person to act unreasonably. The fear of the phobia is so intense that the person will do almost anything to avoid facing it. If they have a phobia they probably have already realized that they’re fear is completely unreasonable, but still cannot control it. The second they’re exposed to anything they’re afraid of you naturally become overwhelmed with extreme feelings of anxiety fear or sometimes pain. This has gotten so unpleasant to so many people that they will go to great lengths to avoid the situation and or object that he/she might fear. A main symptom of having this disorder is the excessive desire to avoid the feared subject.

There are hundreds of different fears and phobias. Humans are obviously all different so that means we all have different fears of things. If a person has a phobia or a fear they should educate themselves about it and seek help if needed.