Cafeteria Hysteria


Taylor Eskesen, Staff Writer

The cafeteria should be open for students every period.  With lunch times either very early or later in the day, students should be able to get a snack at any time during school.

Many students skip breakfast, the most important meal of the day, leaving them hungry before their lunch. Frequently snacking throughout the day keeps people energized and decreases the distraction of being hungry. It is hard to pay attention when we you can think about is our stomach growling and the fact that lunch isn’t for two periods, especially when your teacher won’t let you eat in class.

With the cafeteria only being open 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th period, if a student is hungry before or after those lunch times, there is practically nothing he/she can do if they don’t bring food from home.

“Some shouldn’t have lunch 4th period (9:30), so later on in the day they will be hungry and go to the cafeteria to find it closed. Many people have sports or go to extra help and can’t quickly stop at the cafeteria for a snack,” sophomore Brenda Mendoza stated.

WHBHS Lunch Director Naim Walcott explained, “The cafeteria could be opened more periods of the day, but in the morning there is a prep time.  However, breakfast is kept open longer.  You can get breakfast up until 8 o’clock and the kiosk is usually open where you can get lunch a snack items.”  He was open to more suggestions –  if anyone wants a certain snack that wasn’t served in the cafeteria, he would look into it.

The cafeteria serves delicious food leaving us all wanting more. If the cafeteria was open throughout the whole day, the school would make a bigger profit. Both students and the school can benefit from it. Having the cafeteria open all day could really change WHBHS for the better.